Tuesday, April 7, 2015

SSIS interview Questions

  • Explain Different types of Slowly changing dimensions?

  • Difference between merge and merge join?

  • Difference between union and union all?

  • How to deploy SSIS packages?

  • Different methods for performance tuning of SSIS packages?

  • Difference between lookup and merge in SSIS?

  • Problems you faced while executing SSIS packages?

  • How to run a package based on the output of 'Execute Sql task'? The output of the SQl task is binary (either 1 or 0) You need to run package if the output is 1 and disable the package if the output is 0

  • What are the different steps in data warehouse life cycle?

  • What are different types of data sources you used in your project?

  • What is the difference between control flow task and data flow task?

  • Explain the methods to send a mail in SSIS?

  • How to store a sentence in python?

    Worring about how to store a sentence in python?

    s="""Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language.[17][18][19] Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java."""
    print s